Learn about our services

  • Meet with me up to 5x a week in person in an intimate setting with 3-4 other women. Each session is 1 hour.

  • Train with me in person 6 sessions/ month and get access to my member only app for the remaining workouts to complete on your own time.

  • Not in the area? Join my online team to get access to all the same workouts we do in person. The app comes with food tracking, demo videos for each exercise, and the ability to record yourself for form checks.

  • Are you consistent in the gym but struggle to know what and how much to eat? Are you bored of eating the same things and want some variety in your diet? Let me work with you 1:1 to help you find the balance between the foods you love and what you need in order to achieve your goals!

Become Your Own Body Goals.

Be your own body goals

Be your own body goals ⋆

Questions about Training?

Let’s chat! Complete the form and I will reach out to you personally to answer any questions you may have! I can’t wait to hear from you!