The only bad workout

is the one you didn’t do!

What People Are Saying

“I absolutely adore Atlas. Let me just say that I’ve had 3 trainers within the last two years and Atlas is the only one that I’ve gotten past a month with. Literally on month 6 is so crazy to me. She not only trains us and challenges us physically but mentally as well. She reminds us to not only watch what we feed our bodies but our minds and spirits. Training with Missbuildabody you get a trainer, a friend, and a community of lovely women. I love it here.”

— Shay M.

“Training with Missbuildabody was a great overall experience! I trained virtually, and Atlas was extremely hands on with my fitness progress and meals throughout the week. Believe it or not, I immediately starting seeing results! Not only was she there to educate me on my fitness journey, but there to support the girls mentally. I love that!”

— Tonysha H.

“I have been training with Atlas for the last four months and I can honestly say my dietary habits have done a complete 180 under Atlas.  I stopped drinking sodas, I drink so much more water, and I am intentional about food I nurture my body with. I love working with Atlas because she holds you accountable to what you do during and before/after workouts. Atlas is so motivating and brings the strength you didn’t know you had out of you. I love the results that I am seeing thus far and the new confidence I feel every time I look in the mirror!

— Jessica W.

“Thankful to have Atlas consistently push me and check in with me about my goals. The working out and community has helped me grow so much physically and mentally over the past year. Been amazing to see my body change and what it can handle change as well. I'm running faster, lifting heavier, and feeling better than I have in a really long time!”

— Moriah W.